Meet Avery Willow... just three weeks old when she made her modeling debut with me. When it comes to newborn photography, you can never try to prepare too much. I always shoot to start my sessions right after a morning feeding, so the baby will be nice and sleepy during photos. Not all people are really looking for that popular sleeping-baby photo set that you see all the time, but the truth is (and no surprise)... its just easier to take photos when they're sleeping because they're happy, content and still.While setting up and getting started, it quickly became clear that Avery was not going to sleep through any of this fun. Normally, that could mean a difficult, long session with lots of soothing-baby breaks... but that was definitely not the case here. She was wide awake but so completely happy. At just three weeks old, she seemed so aware of my camera and was almost posing herself, shot after shot. She'd start to squirm... I'd lift my camera and point the lens her way... and she'd quickly stop moving and stare, waiting for me to get exactly what I needed.With 2 ecstatic brand new parents... 4 proud new grandparents... and one very supportive greyhound... Avery soaked up the spotlight and seemed to enjoy every second of it.